Latest Movie

Sneakers (2011)


Title: Sneakers

Release Date: 2011-06-26

Genres: Adventure, Action, Drama

Runtime: 111 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Sneakers full movie for free. Released in 2011, Sneakers movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

The story of a Summer shared by six young people. It all begins with their escapes from the bleak and dreary City. Each one of them escapes East of Hell... to the point farthest away, the sea coast, a clean and pristine beach. The clean beach brings them together and reopens the prospective of hope to them all. But is such an escape at all possible?

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Sneakers a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.



Ivo Arakov

Ivo Arakov


Phillip Avramov

Phillip Avramov

The Bird

Iva Gocheva

Iva Gocheva

The Barmaid

Ivan Barnev

Ivan Barnev


Marian Valev

Marian Valev


Ivan Vladimirov

Ivan Vladimirov

Directing - Director

Valeri Yordanov

Valeri Yordanov

Directing - Director

Valeri Yordanov

Valeri Yordanov

Writing - Writer

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