Latest Movie

Marie-Octobre (2008)


Title: Marie-Octobre

Release Date: 2008-10-15

Genres: TV Movie, Drama

Runtime: 95 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Marie-Octobre full movie for free. Released in 2008, Marie-Octobre movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

After the Liberation of France during the World War II, ten former Resistant fighters meet again during a dinner organized by Marie-Octobre...

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Marie-Octobre a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.



Nathalie Baye

Nathalie Baye

Marie-Hélène Dumoulin / Marie-Octobre

Xavier Beauvois

Xavier Beauvois

Marc Donizzi

Samuel Labarthe

Samuel Labarthe

Robert Cabris

Etienne Chicot

Etienne Chicot

Lucien Issard

Jacques Spiesser

Jacques Spiesser

Roland Herbelin


Josée Dayan

Josée Dayan

Directing - Director

François-Olivier Rousseau

François-Olivier Rousseau

Writing - Writer

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