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Outsourcing (My Desires to Avatars) (2021)

Outsourcing (My Desires to Avatars)

Title: Outsourcing (My Desires to Avatars)

Release Date: 2021-10-15

Genres: Animation

Runtime: 4 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Outsourcing (My Desires to Avatars) full movie for free. Released in 2021, Outsourcing (My Desires to Avatars) movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

"Outsourcing (My Desires to Avatars)" is a machinima and experimental video created by video artist Jamie Janković and writer, poet and director Deborah Findlater. The work is part of an ongoing project addressing the intersectionality of responses to female characters in video games; formally speaking, the work is presented as an audio-visual poem, accompanied by voice over. According to Janković, this work is meant as a response to found footage material of the character Christie from the popular fighting game series "Dead or Alive" (1996 – ongoing). Moreover, the examination of the role of female characters in "Outsourcing (My Desires to Avatars)" is part of a larger project titled "The identity quest series," in which the artist addresses a multiplicity of responses to female video game characters, following engagement in interviews with queer people within the gaming industry and exploring their own views on gender in game design.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Outsourcing (My Desires to Avatars) a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.



Deborah Findlater

Deborah Findlater



Jamie Janković

Jamie Janković

Directing - Director

Deborah Findlater

Deborah Findlater

Writing - Writer

Jamie Janković

Jamie Janković

Editing - Editor

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